Migraine and Headache Relief
Car Accident

I was in a car accident where I received nerve damage throughout my left arm, right shoulder and through my entire back. I also had frequent headaches daily. My headaches are now down 87%. That is relief to me! I also don’t have the pains in my left arm and right shoulder anymore. Dr. Mark worked with me in the effects of the atlas, axis and cervical spine, which helped correct the vertebral subluxations. Working with Dr. Wilson, you will be on “The Road to Recovery”. -Kris Whetstine, Age 27
This is my first experience with chiropractic care.

I’m 80 years old, and have been having migraines for the past thirty years, accompanied by a stiff, sore neck. I set a schedule for treatment and because of the distance from my home to Missoula (160 miles) we decided a weekly visit would be acceptable. After four treatments, improvements in my neck were noticed but the headaches continued. I was about to give up on treatments but Dr. Mark encouraged me to continue, which I did. Approximately three months later, I have no pain and my headaches have almost disappeared. -Robert Ruthford, Pilot
Relief from a debilitating migraine!
“Thank you for providing me with relief from a debilitating migraine! It is nice to see e able to eat again as well as see. Thank you Dr. Mark!” – anonymous
What a great feeling to finally feel energized and positive again!
“The W Chiropractic staff is truly dedicated to promoting good health. Thank you all for everything you have done for me. What a great feeling to finally feel energized and positive again! My migraines are a thing of the past. Yay! Thank you so very much!” – anonymous
I have experienced headaches for seventeen years and they have become more severe since I was involved in an accident last year. I have had chiropractic care from two other doctors, both of which helped very little with my headaches. Since coming to Dr. Wilson one month ago (Nov. ’04), I have not had ONE severe headache! I used to have 2-3 a week! I am so excited to think that I may be able to live a mostly pain free life after all! -Jill Vannoy, mother of two